Spring Forward | PK Gal Blog | Pink Karma

Spring has (almost) sprung! So many things to do, so little time. Time to get your spring-cleaning on a roll, let the flowers bloom inside and out, and pull out the bright colors.
Are you a quick, knock it out weekend spring-cleaner or a take the month of March spring-cleaner? Martha Stewart says to successfully complete a spring-cleaning you must spread it across several days. Setting a schedule and enlisting help will be major key.
Anotha one...get your cleaning supplies in order. Using your cleaning schedule, layout each task in each room and list the cleaning items you think you will need. Make a run to Costco and buy your cleaning items in bulk. If you want to try a new route that is chemical free, check out this site for DIY cleaning supplies.
After cleaning, brighten up your home with different flower arrangements in each room. I personally like to use fake flower arrangements from HomeGoods in the bedrooms. In any spaces that guests tend to naturally gather in, I use real flower arrangements. Get inspiration from Pinterest and pay your local flower shop a visit to help make your flower dreams bloom.
Spring-cleaning, check! Spring decorating, check! Now send out those Evites and gather your friends and family for a bubbly brunch at your spring certified home. You just worry about the party planning PK Gal and I will cover your wardrobe. Pull out a pretty pink or blue dress and in true spring fashion wear the Pink Karma Lets Bloom Earrings.
For more tips and tricks to successful spring-cleaning, visit www.marthastewart.com/spring-cleaning-checklist.