Party, Party, Party Let's...Just Watch A Movie | Pink Karma

Holiday parties and Christmas movies, it’s nothing but holiday cheer at this time of year! What will you wear to impress your colleagues? Better yet, what will you wear to that holiday party your crush will be at? Or, what movie will you choose to watch on your girls’ night in over the weekend? Forget about the gifts you still have to buy, there are already so many questions and so many decisions to be made!
Obvi, PK Gal is here to help her fellow PK Gals dress to impress at every holiday party you feel obligated to attend. Did you RSVP solo for one of those parties? Then you better dress to impress and outshine that shiny gold tree topper sitting on that twinkling Christmas tree in the corner. And I’ve got just the right pairing to do so...PK Gal would opt to wear a black skirt with gold detail and a blouse with a dramatic flared, or ruffled, sleeve. Throw on those sexy black tights and flirtatious heels and take a risk with your accessories. Mermaid Black Leather Cuff, Smooth Wave Knuckle Ring and Do These Hoops Make My Butt Look Big? Earrings...TALK ABOUT A STATEMENT!
PK Gal loves a good night in with the girls, especially if it involves wine and hot cocoa with marshmallows, fire crackling in the background, a cozy a$$ blanket and a captivating Christmas movie (that I’ve definitely watched over a hundred times every. single. year.). PK Gal obviously has a Christmas movie watch list that must be completed before New Year’s Day, non-negotiable. I’ll let you in on this years list and spread my holiday cheer...
- Four
- It’s a
Wonderful Life
- The
- The Grinch
- Santa
Clause (1, 2 & 3...duh!)
- Home Alone
(um, just 1 & 2)
- Elf
- Jingle All
The Way
- A
Christmas Story
- Love
- Polar
- National
Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
- It’s a
Wonderful Life
- Christmas
With The Kranks
- A
Christmas Carol
Happy partying and merry movie watching! Don’t forget to check out our Instagram and for our 12 Days of Karma sale going on right now until 12/12/2017.
P.S. The holidays are also about giving. We are showing our appreciation to our loyal PK Gal customers through our FA LA LA LA LA 12 Days of Karma sale! So, consider this your friendly reminder to pay it forward because what goes around definitely does come back around, and when it does, you need to look good.