New Years Resolutions: Yes | PK Gal Blog | Pink Karma

Every year we come up with New Years resolutions and every year we say we are going to stick to them. On New Years Eve we reflect on the past year and figure out what we can be better at. On New Years Day we (try to) put them into motion. Well enough of the bs. PK Gals don’t mess around when it comes to crushing their goals and sticking to them. We make our dreams become reality. And how do we do that? By simply saying “yes.”
It’s simple to say “yes” when you have something to look forward to. Around this time, we are looking forward to Spring Break when we can leave this cold air behind us for the cabana on the beach. So, yes, choose the side salad over the fries and choose to make time for a quick 30-45 minute work out. What’s the worst that could happen? That you feel amazing in a cute little swimsuit and are overwhelmed by all of the perfect Spring Break pics you now have to choose from to post to Instagram? Commit, PK Gal, for YOU!
With all of that said, I will leave you with the final and most important “yes” of the year...
Yes, I will learn to love myself.