New Year Merry-Go-Round | PK Gal Blog | Pink Karma

Fitness, diet, self-help, mental health, relationships...the list can go on and on for New Year’s resolutions and feel like a never-ending merry-go-round all year long. By now, most people are two to three weeks into practicing their 2018 resolutions. Lets not beat around the bush here, THIS IS ROUGH! But, PK Gals never give up and never say “never.”
So how do we do it? We keep it simple. We find simple ways to break our old habits and do it little by little. Every pound, every non-cheat day, every positive thought, no matter how small, is an achievement toward our goals.
Here are the official PK Gal New Year’s resolution tips:
Burn a few extra
calories in your day by...
- Standing
while you work – 30 minutes up and 30 minutes down.
- Walking
around during that conference call instead of sitting.
- Telling Alexa to play your favorite tunes and put a little boogie into your cleaning and cooking (dance party!).
Three simple rules to
weight loss...
- Commit.
- Meal prep.
- Do it for YOU.
Help yourself better
yourself by...
- Turning off the electronics for 1 hour a day.
- Trying something new every week like roller skating, meditating, or eating 1 scoop of ice cream instead of milestones COUNT and will lead you to reaching larger milestones.
- Reading self-help books. A PK Gal favorite is You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero.
- Believing in YOUrself.
Remember we are all in this New Year’s resolution boat
together. You are a PK Gal and PK Gals kick butt daily while looking good
because when we look good, we feel good. You can’t go wrong with a little Pink
Karma bling to go with an ensemble from Calia
by Carrie Underwood. Her line is so posh! Another brand we cant live without
right now is sporty chic Adidas. Bottom
line here, treat your self because you deserve it and have earned it.