Mani Pedi Please| PK Gal Blog | Pink Karma

If you’re like me, you tend to default to pretty pink nail polish all year round. Mod About You to be exact. But it’s summertime, which means we have the right to wear bright and vibrant pops of color.
Now, you’re probably thinking what other nail polish colors are there other than Mod About You? Well, thanks to Glamour they have given us the ultimate guide to summer nails in The Best Summer Nail Polish Shades for 2018. This article is EVERYTHING we needed and didn’t even know it!
From the digital fashion editor to the freelance beauty editor, Glamouremployees share their favorite summer nail polish shades. Not only do they give you a peek into why it is their go to, but you also learn where to buy the polish and how much it costs. THANK YOU, Glamour. You saved us <3
And ok Glamour. You got me. From this moment on, I vow to switch it up with fun nail polish shades this summer. See you never Mod About You...